Friday, June 10th
Another day off and our bosses sent us on another tour that we sell at the Hitch Up (I can't believe they make us "work" on our day off). This time we took the "fast ferry" to Juneau, the capitol of Alaska. The city can only be reached via one of 3 ways; by boat, by plane or by birth canal. The 2 hour ferry ride was spectacular, cruising down the Lynn Canal which is a fjord (a glacial carved inlet surrounded by steep, huge mountains) full of wildlife and waterfalls. We saw the humps of many humpback whales which can be 50 long.
Hump day...Alaskan style |
We also stopped for a closer look at a sea lion rookery (where they come to have pups).
We cruised past the remote & lonely looking "Elden Rock" lighthouse that was built in 1906 after a tragic shipwreck. In 1898 a ship carrying gold seekers ran aground on the rock, the captain assured all on board they would be safe until morning when the high tide would float them free and did not call for rescue. The ship broke apart in a storm that night and all 300 aboard perished. The light was manned by 2 crew year round until 1974 when it became automated.
One of the most remote lighthouses in the country |
Once we landed at Juneau we boarded a bus for the one hour drive into town. Along the way we saw this cinnamon colored black bear chowing dandelions tops on the roadside. Something odd about seeing big bears eating pretty little flowers...seems to make them even more cuddly looking.
 | |
Through the bus window |
We were dropped off in old downtown Juneau where we ate some crab overlooking the cruise ship dock with Scott & Sue, some great people we met (despite them being New England Patriot fans) that were staying at the Hitch Up. We decided to take the historic bar beer tour that included Alaska's oldest bar instead of visiting museums. After 3 hours and 4 beers, the bus picked us up to take us back to the ferry making a one hour stop at the Mendenhall Glacier, one of the most accessible glaciers in the state. While there, we took the hike out to beautiful Nugget Falls that plunges right next to the glacier.
Lori takes a shot at Scott & Sue caught eating Glacier...BUSTED!! |
Lori & Mendenhall |
Nugget head standing next to Nugget Falls |
On the ferry ride up the Lynn Canal back to Haines we saw more humpbacks and some Dahl Porpose. We walked back to the MLS stopping by the grocery store to buy some hot dogs to grill for dinner at 10pm and watched the sun set. What a great day !!
Eldon Rock lighthouse at 9 o'clock pm |
Saturday, June 11th
Time to go fishing !!! First stop...the sporting store. Fishing line...$8, Lures...$14, one year fishing license...$145...watching Lori cast and love fishing...PRICELESS !!
Lori casting into the Chilkoot river |
Watching Dave catch his first Alaskan "fish stick"...HILARIOUS !!
Don't laugh...those boots are cool in Alaska. |
Our new friends Scott & Sue were taking their really cool inflatable kayak to Chilkoot Lake so it seemed the perfect time for the maiden voyage of my 2 man inflatable kayak that came with one paddle. The kayak was my service award for 15 years of dedicated work from PBS&J. Upon inflation, it was apparent why there was only one paddle...because dogs don't know how to paddle anyway.
At least it floats | |
Later we planted broccoli and carrots in the garden at our friends Gary & Juanita's house. They live 3 miles out of town and run a bed and breakfast in their home overlooking the Lynn Canal.
Strawberries in the foreground...mountains in the background |
Sunday, June 12th
Back to work today. We call it work but so far its been a lot of fun. Beautiful scenery all around, we meet lots of interesting people and we get to drive the John Deer.
Lori, John Deer and the MLS | |
Let me show and tell you a little about Haines. It was founded around 1900 when the army built an outpost. The population is about 1500 people and 10,000 bald eagles. There is an IGA grocery store and almost all the locals wear "extra toughs" (those rubber boots you laughed at me wearing while fishing). The school is for grades 1 through 12 and had to delay opening one year because a moose had given birth in the front yard. People describe Haines as the place to experience the "true" Alaska as the tourism business is not real strong here but fishing is. There is 1 four-way stop sign in town at Main & 2nd street.
Looking east from the 4 way stop sign |
Looking west |
Boat harbor in the center of town...1/2 mile from the Hitch Up |
The job, fishing and boating, growing vegetables, knowing our way around town, the boots...I'd say we are ALASKANS
No wait...I think you have to gut something first.
We had a great time hanging you guys (especially Lori)! You need to get a pic/video of the bears catching and eating salmon (for Susan). You Alaskans enjoy yourselves!!!